Protective measures for imports from the EU

Switzerland does not impose protective measures on trade with the EU in animals and goods. In the interests of animal health, however, both the EU and Switzerland may impose restrictions that override the normal regulations.


Sheep and goat pox: Bulgaria and Greece

Greece has been reporting outbreaks in sheep and goats since 24 October 2023. Notification to the WOAH: Event 5300.

On 16 September 2023, an outbreak was confirmed in sheep and goats in the region of Burgas in Bulgaria. Notification to the WOAH: Event 5236

Ordonnance de l’OSAV instituant des mesures destinées à prévenir l’introduction de la clavelée et de la variole caprine présentes dans certains États membres de l’Union européenne (in French)

The Ordinance contains import bans for sheep and goats as well as animal products of these species. Sheep and goat pox have a serious impact on affected livestock and their profitability and can affect international trade. For more detailed information on the highly contagious viral disease of small ruminants, see Clavelée et variole caprine (

Zones established:
Bulgaria and Greece: Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2725, as last amended by Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/881.

Website on measures in the EU: Further category A diseases (

African swine fever (ASF): Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden and Romania

ASP Virus Verbreitung

Avian influenza: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden


Switzerland does not normally impose protective measures on trade with the EU in animals and goods. Bilateral agreements are in place under which the competent authorities in the Member State of origin must ensure that goods sent to Switzerland are subject to the same safety standards as those traded within the Community. In particular, animals or "potentially dangerous" products of animal origin must not originate from an infected area.

Protective measures governing the import of animals and products of animal origin from the EU  

The veterinary authority of the respective Member State provides information on whether the destination is subject to animal health restrictions. These also apply to the temporary export of animals, e.g. to summer grazing pastures in a neighbouring country. Exporters who fail to observe these restrictions risk not being able to remove their animals (or goods) from the area at a later date. This also applies to their return to Switzerland, irrespective of "normal import conditions".

If outbreaks of highly contagious animal diseases in Member States exceed a certain risk potential, the FSVO introduces its own "protective ordinances".

Bluetongue disease: Switzerland, France, Germany and other Member States of the EU

Switzerland: The restricted zone for bluetongue disease serotype 8 includes the entire territory of Switzerland. The vector free period is from 1 December to 31 March.

Exports from Switzerland to Member States of the EU and Norway are governed by the «Ordonnance de l'OSAV instituant des mesures destinées à prévenir la propagation de la fièvre catarrhale du mouton». This is aligned with Regulation (EC) No 1266/2007.

Imports and transit from Member States of the EU and Norway are governed by Regulation (EC) No 1266/2007 of the EU Commission.

Zones established in the EU: the EU Commission publishes a map and a list on its website on control measures.

Website of the FLI: number of outbreaks in Europe and map of Germany.


Petit coléoptère des ruches: Italy, France (La Réunion)

Peste porcine classique (PPC): Bulgarie, Croatie, Lettonie, Roumanie

Lumpy skin disease (LSD): Bulgaria, Greece

Chronic wasting disease (CWD): Norvège, Suède, Finlande

More information

Last modification 17.04.2024

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