Animal Welfare Division

Its tasks are to provide expert advice and training in the proper keeping of animals and on issues concerning respect for the dignity of animals. It supervises the licensing of animal experiments and carries out research in animal welfare. 

The Animal welfare Division works closely with the cantonal veterinary services and other organisations involved. It is organised into three sectors and has two affiliated external sites for the proper keeping of animals.

The Animal Experimentation and Evaluations sector

  • Supervises animal experiment licensing and manages the animex-ch specialist unit.
  • Advises the cantonal animal protection authorities as well as animal experimentation commissions and assists law enforcement bodies.
  • Provides information on animal experiments and genetic engineering.
  • Conducts evaluations related to animal experiments and primary production.

The Keeping/ Handling of Domestic and Wild Animals sector

  • Provides information on animal welfare questions concerning horses, domestic and wild animals.
  • Develops recommendations for the handling and care of do-mestic and wild animals in the following areas: commercial pet care, specialized pet shops, international animal trade, painful procedures, transport of animals, killing and slaughter of animals as well as leisure activities with animals.
  • Advises the cantonal animal protection authorities and ensures their further education in the field of animal welfare by means of exchange platforms. It participates in the basic and further training of official assistants, experts and veterinarians in ac-cordance with the Ordinance on the training of persons in the public veterinary service.
  • Draws up technical directives with the aim of harmonizing the enforcement of the legislation in the cantons. It keeps up to date on the latest scientific findings in the field of animal wel-fare and develops projects to promote the well-being of ani-mals and their dignity.

The Keeping of Livestock sector

Schweinestallungen mit Aussenhöfen

Centre for Proper Housing: Ruminants and Pigs

The Centre approves housing systems and provides information and advice to interested parties on the proper and legally compliant housing of ruminants and pigs. It also carries out research projects involving these species.

Ein Versuchsabteil mit weissen Legehennen die in der Einstreu stehen und auf Stangen sitzen.

Centre for Proper Housing: Poultry and Rabbits

The Centre approves housing systems and provides information and advice to interested parties on the proper and legally compliant housing of poultry and rabbits. It also carries out research projects involving these species.

Last modification 02.08.2023

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