Early detection for food safety

For sustainable assurance of food safety and the prevention of fraud, the FSVO identifies newly emerging risks to the health of Switzerland’s population. Early detection of this kind allows appropriate action to be taken in real time.

Early detection for food safety


The FSVO compiles the most important food safety information every month 

Monitoring developments in the field of food safety is an essential task of early detection. This is why the FSVO summarises and evaluates the main information in Seismo Info. The publication is sent out by newsletter.

The aim of early detection for food safety is to identify and assess potential risks of food to the health of consumers.

The FSVO distinguishes between different types of risk:

  • Microbiological risks in foodstuffs and food fraud and deception
  • Chemical risks in foodstuffs and commodities
  • Nutrition-related risks

Monitoring system

The detection of newly emerging risks requires vigilant monitoring of societal and ecological changes, technological developments, economic trends and political conditions.

To perform these tasks, the FSVO manages an early detection system for food safety. This system considers information from a variety of sources, as well as the opinion of experts from the federal government, the cantons, industry and universities. The FSVO is also part of an international network that regularly shares information on new risks, assesses these risks and discusses the action to be taken.

Information and communication

The information gathered is compiled in the ADURA database, which can be accessed by federal and cantonal experts and to some extent also by the public.

The FSVO summarises and evaluates the main information every month in Seismo Info. The publication is communicated via the «Food safety and nutrition» newsletter (Subscription in French, German or Italian).

«Briefing letters» are short summaries of issues. They are characterised by in-depth research on a specific topic. Their purpose is to draw attention to hazards or risks that could endanger food safety in the medium to long term.

Anyone can contribute to early detection by submitting information to seismo@blv.admin.ch. Specialists check the information and incorporate it into the ADURA database or Seismo Info as appropriate.

More Information

In detail

Is food safety in Switzerland impacted by the war in Ukraine? (in German) (PDF, 2 MB, 05.02.2024)Food Risk Assess Europe (FRAE) - DOI: 10.2903/fr.efsa.2024.FR-0028
Zenodo - DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10787274

Seismo Info

Signal Reports

Briefing letters and risk evaluations

Studies under mandate from Early detection


Last modification 30.05.2024

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