Transit of animals and animal products originating in a third country

The transit of animals and animal products in which the EU is possibly involved in addition to Switzerland is governed by various provisions which require a differentiated approach. 

General provisions

If the border veterinary service at the airports in Zurich or Geneva or at a border control point in the EU is required to inspect a shipment, the following applies in all cases:

The shipment must be notified in advance to the border control point. The advance notification must be given at least one day before the shipment arrives at the border control point if it contains animals, prior to arrival for all other shipments.

If the importer responsible for the shipment is domiciled in a Member State of the EU, in Iceland or in Norway, the advance notification of the shipment must be made through the TRACES electronic system. Otherwise page 1 of the Common Veterinary Entry Document (CVED) can be completed by hand ("More information").

The transport of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses for slaughter and poultry for slaughter by road through Switzerland is prohibited for animal welfare reasons.

More Information

Last modification 05.10.2016

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