Export of animals and animal products to third countries

When exporting animals and animal products (including foodstuffs of animal origin) to third countries, health certificates and permits must meet the current conditions applied by the country of destination.

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It is the responsibility of exporters to obtain the current conditions of the country of destination and the requirements relating to health certificates. They must submit them to the cantonal enforcement authorities (see under "More information") for assessment.

Registration of establishments for the export of animals and animal products

Establishments exporting animals or animal products (such as animal semen, ova and embryos, or animal by-products - for definitions, see overview page Animals and animal products) to third countries must be approved for exports if this is required by the country of destination. Third countries often make the lists of approved establishments available on the website of the competent authority. The approval of establishments is the responsibility of the enforcement authority designated by the relevant Canton. The lists of Swiss export establishments registered to date (within the meaning of Art. 51 of the Ordinance on the Import, Transit and Export of Animals and Animal Products from Third Countries) are available on the page Documents pour l’exportation (in French) under the respective country.

Health certificates for animals and animal products

Consignments of animals or animal products generally need to be accompanied by a health certificate. Some certificates already exist and can be used in consultation with the cantonal enforcement authority. Only health certificates validated by the FSVO may be used. These are listed on the page Documents pour l’exportation (in French).


Otherwise, the exporter must obtain the valid health certificates or export conditions through the importer in the country of destination. They must then be submitted to the competent cantonal enforcement authority for assessment and signing.

If the health certificate has not yet been validated, this process can take several months because the FSVO must agree the certificate with the third country. The cantonal authority is responsible for signing the health certificate and for providing further export information. Exports may also require documents from other official bodies (such as Customs or CITES).

Permit for animal by-products

Exports of animal by-products to third countries require permits from the FSVO. See under "More information" > Export application for animal by-products).


Export of protected animals and animal products

Exports of protected animals and animal products require an export permit from the FSVO (for further information, see the overview page Export of animals and animal products.

More information

Last modification 15.11.2024

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