Iodine supply in Switzerland (2013)

Switzerland is an iodine deficient area, and iodine has been added to table salt since 1922.
To ensure sufficient iodine intake in Switzerland, iodine supply is continuously monitored at 5-year intervals since 1999.
Therefore, the Federal Commission on Nutrition asked the Federal Office of Public Health to support the production and publication of an expert report on iodine supply in Switzerland. The last monitoring was performed in 2009 and it appears that an increasing part of high-risk groups (pregnant and lactating women, young children) is at risk to be iodine deficient.
This report should provide the background for an adjustment of iodine supplementation of Swiss table salt, and it should provide valuable information for the food industry, for people teaching human nutrition and for public health experts. Last but not least, it should improve iodine supply particularly to persons with increased risk of inadequate provision, thereby preventing adverse effects of iodine deficiency.

In January 2014 the Federal Veterinary Office (FVO) and the Division of the Food security of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) formed the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO). Consequently, the reports were published in the name of the FOPH, but are no longer under its responsibility.


Last modification 26.02.2020

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