
Scientific publications

ESAN publications

WHO publications

Mapping salt reduction initiatives in the WHO European Region - Summary of the report (PDF, 1 MB, 28.01.2015)Overview of salt reduction strategies in the WHO European Region - Dr João Breda, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Global Action Plan NCD 2013-2020 (PDF, 2 MB, 28.01.2015)Efforts to reduce salt consumption in the general population are high on the international agenda, and have been included in important documents on non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

WHO Collaborating Centers publications

Publications from member states

Publications on this topic from network participants, such as country-specific articles, new recommendations, flyers and brochures for public campaigns, etc. are very welcome. These documents will provide a good overview of current progress in salt reduction for network members. Please send relevant documents to:


Report on salt varietes (PDF, 3 MB, 10.06.2016)Report on the composition of prevalent salt varieties, 2016

Last modification 10.01.2019

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